Any enterprise that has robust program and project management will have the need to configure differently for different parts of the enterprise. An enterprise may have multiple PMOs and each PMO may run multiple programs. To accomplish this, each PMO or program typically needs a different instance of software. At the same time, it is important to be as consistent as possible across the enterprise so all reporting can roll up to the enterprise. It is important for PMOs to be able to share information with other PMOs. To accomplish this, you typically place all on a single instance of software. You cannot have both.
P3M Engine introduces the answer to this dilemma with Layered Configurability.
The enterprise, each PMO, and each program can configure independently, while running on the same instance of software. In P3M Engine, configuration defines your processes. You start by defining the processes for your enterprise. The enterprise can then permit PMOs to configure some, or all, of their processes. This enables the enterprise to enforce process where needed and allow differentiation where needed. Likewise, a PMO can permit programs to define their processes. So, you get the configuration flexibility you normally get from multiple instances and you get the communication and consistency you normally get from a single instance.