Manage all of your work, including programs and projects.
Manage the deliverables for your program and project. Tie these to documents and reviews.
Manage your schedule's key milestones.
Manage dependencies. Enable better planning, scheduling and risk management through good dependency management.
Manage all reviews. Include quality reviews, stage gate reviews, deliverable reviews and more.
Track and manage all approvals.
Manage the health of your programs and projects. Define what makes your programs and projects red, yellow, or green and track them.
Report status of programs and projects with a combination of quantifiable information pulled from the system and subjective commentary from the program / project manager.
Manage risks. Capture probability, impact, risk exposure, approach, mitigation strategy, and contingency plans.
Manage program and project issues. Tie them to risks. Understand the impacts. Escalate as needed.
When you need to get something done that is not already built into the schedule and you cannot afford to lose track of it, create an action item.
Keep track of all decisions and understand how these decisions impact your planning, deliverables, resources, and schedule.
Store and manage documents. Associate documents to deliverables, communications events, reviews and more.
Manage resources, including labor and non-labor resources.
Manage the costs of your program or project. Understand the forecast cost, actual cost, and monthly variance for all resources.
Formal change control must be a robust and thorough process. Manage it all, from the change request to impacted stakeholders to impact assessments to review boards to post-approval actions.
Manage what and how you will communicate. You will need team meetings, status review meetings, steering committee meetings and more.
Manage all communications events. These are things like meetings, announcements, email blasts, mailings, etc.
Manage those invited to communications events such as meetings or marketing campaigns.
Build agendas for meetings and use them dynamically to manage meetings and meeting notes.