Not only do my Project Managers have better oversight, but P3M Engine does too! P3M Engine knows who should be doing what and when. It lets people on the team know when to start, how they are progressing, when they are nearing deadlines, and when they are late. P3M Engine keeps everything moving!
P3M Engine holds all information, which is great. But, I also start everything from the same place in P3M Engine, my Personal Control Panel. That is even better. My Personal Control Panel has all my tasks, everything I want to follow, my favorite links, and my private action items to keep me well organized.
I don't have to wait for other people to get the information I need. I just go to P3M Engine. No matter what PMBOK process group or knowledge area, the information is in P3M Engine.
Nothing eludes me. You can find anything in P3M Engine. It is all there. I can do one search that will look at every type of item in P3M Engine or I can do advanced searches for specifics.
I can let each PMO configure and govern the way they want. Information still rolls up to me with the consistency I need to compare performance across all PMOs.
My status reports are mostly built for me. I can support multiple stakeholders with multiple reporting requirements without extra work.
All the health flags are system generated and I defined the rules. This is NOT open to interpretation. I have complete confidence in the reporting.
Each new program has a Program Management Plan already in place when the program launches. That saves me two months work for every program.